Compression stockings are extremely useful in different ways. You may be experiencing swelling or poor circulation, or need stockings for post-workout recovery or simply because you sit for long periods of time. You may be a frequent traveller, needing lower limbs blood circulation help. You could be an athlete, interested in protection from the elements and injuries. Canada Care Medical offers you a wide variety of colourful everyday stockings. Compression stockings go a long way in improving blood flow and diminishing fatigue in the legs, no matter who you are.
Have you been given a prescription for compression stockings or garments?
Perhaps your doctor has recommended compression stockings or garments through prescription, post-surgery or following a lymphedema, varicose veins or edema diagnosis. The Canada Care Medical Ottawa store is an ADP vendor for prescribed lymphedema patients, which means we can fill your prescription and communicate directly with the government regarding its generous reimbursement policy.
Trained Compression Fitters on Staff
We are proud to say that certified Compression Fitters are available in order to adequately support the clientele.
Please call our main number and ask for the Order Desk for availability
of products and/or to book an appointment with one of our Compression Fitters.
Do you Need a Custom Garment?
The Canada Care Medical Ottawa store can provide you with custom garments for any part of the body. A Compression Fitter will take your measurements and order custom for you, from the supplier and according to your prescription. Custom garments are also eligible for some ADP coverage.
Call our order desk:
(613) 234-1222
or come see us in-store.